CNIC's annual Navy-wide survey of MWR programs is now available and everyone is encouraged to participate. The surveys are used in many ways, both locally to help improve programs and services, but also as part of CNIC's MWR Accreditation process.
Surveys are posted online for your convenience and they are organized by location, program and/or facility. You are welcome to provide feedback on facilities throughout the region; you are not limited to the area in which you live. For example, if you were stationed at PMRF and left recently - but still follow them and want to leave a comment - you are still able to take part in the survey by clicking one of the links below.
The surveys include questions related to areas including but not limited to: customer service, facility cleanliness, availability of programs, marketing of events and activities and more.
NOTE: Community Recreation covers several program areas including - Leisure Classes, Special Events, ITT, Outdoor Recreation, Rentals. If you would like to comment on any of these, please click on the appropriate Community Recreation link for the respective areas. Use the Community Recreation link for a survey that briefly covers the programs overall.
Auto Skills Center
Community Recreation
Comm. Rec. Leisure Skills Classes
Comm. Rec. Recreation Center
Comm. Rec. Rental Gear and Equipment
Comm. Rec. Special Events
Comm. Rec. Tickets, Trips, Tours
Food & Beverage
Intramural Sports
Navy Getaways (Lodging and Cottages)
Navy Entertainment