About EFMP
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory program designed to identify family members with special medical, psychological or educational needs related to acute or chronic conditions. It ensures service members will be assigned to a location where the specific needs of the family will be met. Special needs include:
Medical |
Dental |
Mental Health |
Developmental |
Educational |
Accessibility |
Adaptive Equipment |
Assistive Technology |
Assistive Services |
MFSC EFMP Liaisons provide non-medical case management services which include:
- Creation of Family Needs Assessments and Service Plans
- Community Outreach
- Training and Education
- System Navigation
- Information and Referral Services
- Monthly Bulletins (Kokua) and Family Friendly Events
EFMP Case Liaisons also provide Appointed Command EFMP POC Training; now offered virtually
Current Contact Information
Name/ Role | Phone/ Email | How to contact |
EFMP Case Liaison Anthony Choe
AF & Navy: Information/Referral Non-medical EFMP Command POC Training, workshops, Family Support |
Direct: 808-474-0154
(specify – Attn: EFMP) Front desk: 808-474-1999
Military & Family Support Center-JBPHH 4827 Bougainville Dr. Honolulu, HI 96818 (808)474-1999 |
Audrey M. Corum
Navy: Medical Support/Admin Military Treatment Facility Coordinator (MTFC) |
808-473-2444 opt.9 ext. 4525
Naval Health Clinic Hawaii 480 Central Ave. Bldg. 1514 (Across the parking lot from the Makalapa Clinic) DD 2792 sent here for enrollment/update/disenrollment |
HM1 Milquella Fordyce
Navy: Overseas Screening Patient Administration |
Main: (808) 473-1880 Option: 9, EXT: 4514 Milquella.fordyce.mil@mail.mil |
Naval Health Clinic Hawaii 480 Central Ave. Bldg. 1514 (Across the parking lot from the Makalapa Clinic) |
Kaori Walker
Air Force: Special Needs Coordinator EFMP-M 15th Medical Group |
Main: (808) 448-6782 Kaori.walker.ctr@mail.mil |
755 Scott Circle JBPHH 96853 (2nd floor next to immunization clinic) |
Classes & Trainings
To register for MFSC Classes click here (look for classes denoted with "V" for virtual attendance).
Check out our monthly EFMP Coffee Talk topics here!
- Online Trainings and Professional Development
*Please check the MFSC Class & Event Schedule for specific dates and availability
Topic Overviews
Special Education Rights Series: Provides parents with basic, foundational information on the rights of families under state and federal special education laws.
- Evaluation and Eligibility: A comprehensive introduction to special education laws and procedures including; purpose of the law, when and how to make a referral, evaluations, team meeting process’, standards for determining eligibility, services and placement, options regarding an IEP and due process rights for resolving disputes.
- Understanding the IEP: Why its important, how it’s developed, what types of services should be included and understanding measurable goals and objectives.
- Transition Planning: Why transition planning is essential for your child’s future educational needs, who is eligible, services that could be included, student and parent roles in transition planning, honoring your student’s vision, age of majority and anticipated graduation date.
- 504 Plans: Explains 504 Plans, who qualifies, what it contains, and the major differences between a 504 Plan and an IEP.
- How to Talk so Schools will Listen: A candid conversation with both a parent and a special education teacher on how to improve communication and reduce barriers with school staff and administration. Learn how to respectfully advocate and articulate your child’s needs beyond the pages of the IEP.
Special Needs Financial Planning Series: This series examines the unique process of providing and planning for the family with special needs. *Created in partnership with the Personal Financial Management Team (PFM)
- SSI/Medicaid & SSDI Medicare: Government benefits are complicated and time consuming to understand. We will discuss in detail what the government benefits and the types of programs are, their importance, when and how to apply, how to qualify and how much money the individual with special needs would possibly receive. We also discuss what factors move an individual from SSI to SSDI and why, and what affect this has on Medicaid and/or Medicare. We briefly discuss works incentives for both SSI and SSDI. Work incentives are the safety nets which allows one to work, but keep their government benefits and/or insurance.
- Estate Planning for a Secure Future: together with advice from a special needs attorney, we will discuss the key elements of estate planning for the family with special needs. There will be an explanation of the necessary estate planning documents such as wills, trusts, powers of attorneys, living wills, HIPPA, etc. along with a description of the specifics of special needs estate planning; guardianship, special needs trusts, government benefits, funding options and more.
- The Special Needs Trust: learn more about this legal arrangement that lets a physically or mentally ill person, or someone who is chronically disabled, have access to funding without potentially losing the benefits provided by public assistance programs.
Professional Development & Training
- EFMP Overview: Program orientation for new MFSC staff members and volunteers.
- EFMP Command POC Training: This course of instruction provides guidance to EFMP Command POC designees to effectively manage the command exceptional family member program onboard their units and commands. The training also provides current information and guidance on POC’s roles and responsibilities to include Command EFMP enrollee, history, benefits, EFMP enrollment process, resources and general program information
- Family Engagement Series
- Parent Advocacy Training: This course builds knowledge and confidence while parents learn to become advocates for their children. Learn how to partner with local school districts and service providers. *Course content focuses on Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- Introduction to Autism and ABA Therapy: Learn the basics about this system of autism treatment based on behaviorist theories. Can desired behaviors really be taught through a system of rewards and consequences? Gain a greater understanding of applying behavioral principles to behavioral goals, and the importance of carefully measuring the results.
- Cyberbullying Survival Guide: Cyberbullying has become more widespread and can be an issue for your child or teenager whether they go to school online or in-person. But can you spot cyberbullying in adults as well? The statistics worldwide reveal alarming facts about virtual harassment, its impact, and the many different shapes and forms it manifests. Become an expert at spotting and stopping this growing threat.
EFMP Emergency Management Series: *Created in partnership with the RED Team
- Personal Disaster Assessment: assess the assistance your family may need before, during and after a disaster. This assessment will be the framework for your Disaster Management Plan, which will be based on your lowest anticipated level of functioning.
- Disaster Management Plan: Learn how to make a comprehensive emergency plan for your entire household.
- Disaster Ready Kit: Create an EFM specific emergency kit that will keep you two-weeks ready!
We appreciate our EFMP ‘Ohana! One way we try to keep our families informed connected to the community, is with our monthly newsletter. We try our best to offer relevant articles and useful, accessible resources. Please feel free to give us suggestions or share with us information that might be helpful to other EFMP families. MAHALO!
The Kokua Bulletin
EFMP Social Media Links
EFMP Forms
DD2792, Family Member Medical Summary (PDF)
DD2792 Provider Instructions: Family Member Medical Summary
DD2792-1 Early Intervention/Special Education Summary
DD2792-1 Provider Instructions: Early Intervention/Special Education Summary
- Log on to MyVector to complete the Family Member Travel Screening
Family Needs Assesment
JBPHH EFMP uses the non-clinical EFMP Family Needs Assessment, designed by OSD Office of Special Needs, DD Form 3054. A Family Needs Assessment helps gather information about our EFMP families in order for our EFMP Case Liaisons to determine each family’s area of need and to provide them with the appropriate resources and support services
If you would like to create a Family Needs Assessment, please call MFSC at (808)474-1999 to schedule an appointment
Respite Care Programs
If you have questions regarding the AF EFMP Respite care program, please reach out to AFPC directly at Linda.Gonzalez.5@us.af.mil or Lisa.Martinez.10@us.af.mil
Tricare ECHO
If you are enrolled in the EFMP, you may also qualify for the TRICARE ECHO program. Among other benefits, the TRICARE ECHO program offers:
· ECHO Respite Care – 16 hours per month when receiving other authorized ECHO benefits.
· TRICARE ECHO Home Health Care Respite – up to 40 hours per week (eight hours per day, five days per week) for those who qualify
As you know, your EFMP team is passionate about improving the lives of our EFM’s. One of the ways we can achieve this goal is by connecting our families with resources within the Special Needs Community.
We are excited to share with you an ever-evolving list of innovative resources on the local and national level.
We LOVE learning about new programs being developed, especially within our own community. If you have a favorite Special Needs organization that you would like to see on our list, let us know about it!
Community Resources
Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii
Hawaii State Resources
The Office of Special Education in Hawaii: https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/TeachingAndLearning/SpecializedPrograms/SpecialEducation/Pages/home.aspx
Special Parent Information Network: Hawaii
National Resources
AUMI, which stands for ‘Adaptive Use Musical Instrument’ is a software interface which enables the user to play sounds and musical phrases through movement and gestures. The website has a TON of information, including articles and tutorials. There is a desktop version as well as an App.
Autism Village
This App (also a website) is an amazing example of when technological innovation supports families with special needs.
#AdaptatHome COVID-19 Updates
Check out dozens of live and recorded adaptive fitness classes here: https://www.disabledsportsusa.org/adaptathome/
Chapters and Members – Find resources and support here: https://www.disabledsportsusa.org/covid-19-member-resources/
Easter Seals
Easter Seals offers resources for children and adults with disabilities and special needs. They offer support for, seniors, military and veterans, employment and training, medical rehabilitation, camping and recreation and brain health. Easter Seals believes that families need to be active members of any therapy program, and offers training to help them meet their individual needs.
Friendship Circle International
With over 80 chapters worldwide, Friendship Circle international is a fast-growing and soon to be widely known organization. They provide home visits, respite care, holiday programs, camps, life-skills training and other resources.
Goodwill Industries International
Goodwill works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunities, as well as help people in need to reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.
Parent to Parent USA
Parent to Parent USA is a group that matches parents with a fellow parent who has a child with the same special healthcare need, disability or mental health concern. This allows each parent or family to have a contact for sharing information, receiving support and creating new friendships. The website reports that they have parent ‘matches’ in almost every state.
Military Resources
Military OneSource
School Liaison Officer (Air Force/Navy) - Cherise Castro- (808) 306-9247; cherise.castro@navy.mil
If you are a fan of our ‘App Spotlight’ section of the Kokua Bulletin or are just looking for Apps that make an impact, check-out the links below!
- Autism Village
- https://www.autismvillage.com/
- This App (also a website) is an amazing example of when technological innovation supports families with special needs. Pennsylvania dad, Topher Wurts, was inspired by his 13-year-old son who has ASD. The Yelp-like app helps people find sensory friendly restaurants, parks, museums and other locations that are ‘not too noisy, accommodating of dietary needs, and friendly to children with autism’. According to Kickstarter, one of the main goals of the App is to continue to be FREE.
- EFMP Lending Library
- The MFSC EFMP office has a variety of resources available to sponsors, families and commands to borrow for up to 6 months. These resources include books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, and sensory equipment.
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